Ethiopia - cradle of humanity, the oldest country in Africa, source of early Christian traditions, symbol of independence during the colonial era, founding member of the United Nations and today a country in transition between tradition and modernity.
Ethiopia's eventful history reaches back to the origins of humanity. It is characterized by early civilizations and fairytale rulers, including the legendary Queen of Sheba, who is considered the most beautiful woman who has ever lived.
According to the Ethiopian legend, the ruler from today's Ethiopia is said to have traveled to Jerusalem around the 10th century BC. There she visited the court of King Solomon, who was world famous for his wisdom. The Queen of Sheba (also known as Queen Sheba) wanted to challenge him with riddles. King Solomon solved the riddles, but when he saw the queen in her beauty, he made a treacherous plan. He housed the virgin queen before leaving for his palace; she asked him not to touch her.
He gave in to her request on the condition that she should not touch anything in his palace. Outraged by such a submission, she agreed to the agreement. King Solomon organized a sumptuous evening meal with exquisite, spicy-salty dishes in the evening. At bedtime, he set up a glass of water beside the queen's bed. She woke in the night, thirsty of all the salty foods. As soon as she put the glass to her lips, King Salomon jumped triumphant and announced that the queen had broken her bargain.
She replied that it was just water. The king answered, "And nothing on earth is more precious than water." The narrative states that this was followed by a passionate night.
Back in Ethiopia, the queen gave birth to her son Menelik I, son of King Solomon and later founder of today's Ethiopia and its dynasties.
In fact, the Queen of Saba appears both in the Bible of Christianity, the Qur'an of Islam and in numerous Jewish sources. However, it remains unclear whether it actually ever existed.
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